
Golf at the Niederrhein

Golf at the Niederrhein
Where to enjoy the Niederrhein scenery while engaging in physical activity? On a golf course! Greens are as abundant as they are beautiful. Plan a golfing tour with friends and family and look forward to an unforgettable holiday at the Niederrhein! There are also numerous beginner courses with various opportunities for practising.


Cycle route 3-Flüsse-Route

3-Flüsse-Route am Niederrhein
details: Title: Cycle route 3-Flüsse-Route
Distance: 143 km
Inclination: Flat as a Pancake
Surface: asphalt, broken stones

From Niederrhein to the Netherlands
Ship-Ticket for 2 persons
Your Private Spa Bocholt
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Radwege und Radrouten am Niederrhein


3-Flüsse-Route am Niederrhein The attractive 3-River-Route along the rivers Lippe, Issel and Rhine covers a total distance of some 140 kilometres. Passing through flat country like most of the Niederrhein routes, it enables cyclists to pedal along effortlessly and enjoy the riverine scenery. This route is lined by the towns of Wesel, Hamminkeln, Raesfeld, Rees, Hünxe and Schermbeck as well as scenic sights. Therefore it is a good idea to reserve several days for the entire route in order to enjoy the Niederrhein at a leisurely pace. But the route can also be cut short in places and sections can be combined individually.

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Additional Info

  • length: 50 km - 250 km
  • increase: flat
  • Cities on the route: , Wesel, Hamminkeln, Raesfeld, Rees, Hünxe, Schermbeck
Please note: Not every entry on this website is translated, so it may be possible to find German entries. Please excuse any mistake due to translation errors or current organisational changes.

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